Part of achieving that success is having a beautiful smile. Studies show that a straighter, more beautiful smile can help you to become more successful and be perceived as such by others. A more beautiful smile can help your self-esteem, your social standing, and can open opportunities to you that you otherwise would not have had. However, a great smile is something that takes dedication and special care throughout your life. We can help you know how to care for your smile to keep it dazzling. We can also provide you state-of-the-art treatment and services that can provide you a beautiful smile as well as patient education for keeping that smile healthy for life. Learn more about how a more beautiful smile can benefit you and how you can achieve it!
Healthy Smiles Take Work
To have a beautiful smile, you have to take special care of your teeth. You do this through proper oral health hygiene practices, which include brushing and flossing your teeth every single day. The American Dental Association recommends brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing at least once a day. Notice how we said “at least”. This means that you can brush and floss your teeth even more than those recommended amount of times each day. In fact, brushing and flossing after every meal can significantly reduce your risk for tooth decay and gum disease. We also said you must practice this routine “every day”. This is the part that takes work.
To keep your body healthy, you must have solid, healthy habits that take up a part of your every day. To keep a healthy body you must take time to eat right and to exercise. In order to have healthy eyes, you need to visit your eye doctor. To keep your teeth healthy, you have to take time to clean them as well as visit your dentist. How often? We recommend going to the dentist at least twice a year, if not more. For your orthodontic work, you will come into the office every 4-6 weeks. These appointments are very important to determine if your bite and alignment are healthy and incorrect position. It is also very important to ensure you don’t have tooth decay forming, as braces are more prone to causing cavities because the teeth are harder to clean with brackets. A healthy smile takes work, but it is well worth the benefits your reap.
The Importance of a Beautiful Smile
Not only are healthy smiles great for you, but they are also more beautiful not only for you, but for others. A beautiful smile can impact the level of self-esteem you have as well as confidence. In fact, studies show that those who have a straighter, more beautiful smile tend to be more confident. They also are perceived as more confident and successful by their peers. For example, Invisalign conducted a study about the importance of straightening teeth and what it did for those who did it.
For adults, a straighter smile made them appear more successful to others. In many cases, it also helped them be more confident so that they actually were more successful. Between studying people with straight smiles versus those with crooked smiles, the ones with straight smiles were perceived as smarter and in 75% of cases, more trustworthy. People also perceived them as having more dates and as more attractive. Those with a straighter, more beautiful smile were also more likely to get a job (almost twice as likely as someone with a crooked smile). Studies conclude that a more beautiful smile works wonders for you in every aspect of your life!
How About Children?
Having straighter teeth and a beautiful smile is not only important for adults, but it makes an impact on a child’s life as well. In studies, children that had better smiles had a boost of confidence that helped them be more confident in their studies and with others. Teenagers also have this boost of confidence. In modern times, child orthodontics is becoming much more popular. Child orthodontics seeks to correct orthodontic issues present in childhood that would become much more severe later on in life.
We recommend that children see the orthodontist between ages 7 and 8. This is a time when bite and alignment issues manifest and when they can most easily be corrected. A child’s jaw is still forming and many of the baby teeth are falling out to make room for the adult teeth. With child orthodontics, we can correct bite and alignment so it is even. We can also monitor how the permanent teeth are coming into the mouth. This time period is one where many pre-teens have their teeth grow in. We need to make sure those teeth come in straight so that those teens can enjoy a beautiful smile that is straight, and that it is one they can carry with them throughout adulthood.